Rally Workshop

When: Saturday, December 9th
Registration: $125


Rally Obedience: A fun dog sport where dog and handler teams perform obedience type moves to a unique course created out of instructional signs. Join WCRL and UKC Rally Judge Barb Burri for a very active workshop on Rally Obedience.

This event will include an explanation of rally obedience and the basic skills needed to succeed in this fun dog sport. There will be opportunities to work on specific signs and skills, as well as to run a competition-style practice course.

Additional topics to be covered include how to get your dog registered and how to find and sign up for rally trials, a taste of “Flash” the WCRL rally sport which has no stationary signs so you and your dog move, move, move, and discussion of some of the significant differences between AKC, WCRL, and UKC rally. Appropriate for teams just starting rally, those with some CGC level skills, and former competitors who need to brush off the rust.

Barb Bio: Barb has been competing in AKC rally since its inception in 2005, WCRL rally since it was APDT rally, and UKC rally from its inception. A WCRL and UKC Judge, Barb has handled dogs to the highest levels in WCRL, Putting ARCHMX multiple titles on several of her Labradors, as well as attending the WCRL Worlds, and the AKC National Rally Competion. When not doing rally, she runs a trial secretary organization, and competes in obedience, scent sports and other activities with her 3 retrievers.